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Guide – how to use the bookmark management tool of Incogniton

2 min read

In this guide we will explain how you can easily add bookmarks to Incogniton browser profiles. With this functionality you can easily browse to your top visited webpages. Please note that the bookmark functionality can also be applied in bulk. For more information about performing bulk actions on browser profiles see this guide.

  • After you have created a browser profile you can add a bookmark. This can be done by clicking the 3-bullet icon on the right side of the browser profile overview.
  • The next step is that you need to fill in the name of the bookmark and the desired target URL for the bookmark. Please note that you need to include https:// or http:// in the URL as well otherwise the bookmark won’t be added. After that you can click the button ‘Save’ and the bookmark will be added.
  • The bookmark is now added and after launching the browser profile it should become visible below the address bar.

Adding pre-saved bookmarks / frequently used bookmarks

When you use a bookmark several times it can be more efficient to install a pre-saved bookmark. This prevents you from having to add the information from a bookmark again and again.

  • To activate a pre-saved bookmark you have to click on ‘Browser Management‘ in the browser profile overview. Then click on ‘General Bookmarks Now you can add a general bookmark, this is similar to the steps for adding a normal bookmark and you can do this by giving the bookmark a name and then entering the URL. Then click on ‘Add’.
  • To add the general bookmark to an existing browser profile, click on the three bullet icon and the created general bookmark will be at the bottom of the list. Then select the desired bookmarks and click add to add them to the selected browser profiles.

If you still have any questions about this feature or if you have any other questions don’t hesitate to contact our support department!

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